Standard 2.5” OD pleated filter cartridges hold more solids and are more efficient than depth cartridges. They come in a wide variety of medias like polypropylene, polyester, cellulose, micro glass, and stainless steel. Their microns range from submicron to 840 microns. Pleated cartridges are capable of filtering just about any fluid.

We also supply large diameter cartridges which have the same benefits as above but to a much greater extent! These cartridges range from 3” – 6” OD and can be as long as 60 inches.

Pleated Filter Cartridge Applications
Polypropylene | 0,2 – 100 | Inks, Coatings, Chemicals, Food and Beverage, Photographic, High-Tech Coatings, Electronics, Membrane Pre-filtration, Class. Code 02016 Chemical Mechanical Planarization |
Cellulosic Media | 2 – 60 | Chemical, Oil Field, Photographic, Metal Treatment |
Microfiberglass | 0,45 – 40 | Chemical, Oil/Gas Productions, Food and Beverage |
Cellulosic/Polypropylene | 0,5 – 150 | RO Pre-filtration, Food and Beverage, Chemicals, Lubricants, Process Water, Oil/Gas Productions, Commercial Water |
Cellulosic | 0,5 – 60 | Jet Fuels, Coolants, Quench Oils, Organic Solvents, Lube Oils |
304/316 Stainless | 2 – 840 | Steam, Heat Transfer Fluids, Hot Wax |
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